It's time for my first outfit post, unfortunately the quality of the pics isn't that great. This is what I wore to my graduation when the weather was much better than it is now. The girl next to me is my little sister (she's wearing a Berschka dress and Aldo sandals). When my best friend had her city hall wedding, I wore the same outfit on her request, only with different shoes (middle pic).
Dress: h&m
Vest: vintage (bought in Stockholm)
Shoes: dr. Adams & van Haren
Watch: Triwa
Bag: vintage
Dank je wel! Ik ben er zelf ook nog steeds erg blij mee. De kleur die ik heb is inmiddels uitverkocht, maar hij is er in meerdere (supermooie!!) kleuren, misschien heb je hier iets aan?
Groetjes, Debbie